Several things get to go into this day....I will start with my setting that I just had a ball with....I was pretty much to the point that I was feeling "Spent" "exhausted" "Done" I think that these were some of the words that was crossing my mind yesterday. Some people done know that I run a busy photography studio AND I run a really busy Flower Shop.... for the most part I am not in the flowershop much and I can focus on the photography.....not yesterday! we turned out over 75 arrangements yesterday in the flowershop and we were working just as hard and fast as we could.....I say all of that to show you how long I had been standing in one place and to give you al little of my attitude.... :o) it was starting to droop a little.... then the photography setting... I was thinking of postponeing it then I thought no they are going to be ready and this is a good day to get to take these pictures...... I had 4 little cowboys (cousins) ages 4,5,&6 and then the older sister.....this family just blows me away in every way....the mothers brought the kids in and I dont know when I have ever been around better kiddos! When one of the moms would say something those kids just did whatever the mother said.....now all of you people my age you say well yes... thats how it works.... but ok Get Real LOL that just doesnt happen as much now days :) it did and I was just inpressed!
Now dont take me wrong "These kids were full of it! Rowdy and full of energy and full of life, I PROMISE! they brought me back to life and just energized me...... they were just so increadible to get to work with when I was so tired that I could have fallen down! :) What a blessing!!!!! So a special Thanks to the Nicholson Family! I love you all!
Beauty cowboys, belt buckles, please new photo gallery.